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And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.

Ephesians 4:11-12




Children Ministry / Youth Ministry /Seniors Ministry / Ladies Ministry / Men’s Ministry

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Team Leader:
Sister Simone Bolton

The purpose of Children’s Church Ministry is three-fold:

  1. To teach and plant the word of God into each child’s life at a level that they can understand. (Psalms 8:2)

  2. To nurture/cultivate the children’s understanding of God through deeper revelations in the bible as they grow older. (Ephesians 3:17-19)

  3. To create an atmosphere that is conducive to the saving of their souls for the Kingdom of God (Ephesians 2:8) and set them on the right path from children’s church to adult church.  (Proverb 22:6)


The Children’s Ministry operates every Sunday except Youth Sunday [2nd Sunday of each month]. On Youth Sunday’s the Children’s Ministry and the Youth Ministry work together to provide a youth centered service involving children and youth of all ages. Additionally, our ministry does it’s best to participate in the bigger Youth ministry activities such as concerts, Junior Talent Competitions and fundraisers throughout the year. The staff of the Children’s Ministry also organize, facilitate and act as volunteers for Vacation Bible School (VBS) for kids 12 and under which runs for one week during the summer.


Over the years we have had many young people come to know Christ and be baptized through our ministry.

Goals and Objectives: 

  1. The children we serve will have a solid foundation about who God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are. 

  2. The children we serve will understand what it means to be a Christian.

  3. Every child we serve will be on the right path to accept Christ as their Saviour.

  4. The children we serve will become saved by inviting Christ into their lives. 

  5. Every child will be ready to venture out into Youth Ministry upon aging out of Children’s Ministry at age 13.

Group Bonding


Team Leader:
Sister Rosie Simms and
Sister Simone Bolton

Purpose: The youth department aims to introduce participants to the Lord and teach them how to grow their relationship with Him. We hope to positively impact all the lives that we come into contact with. 


Mission: Our mission is to foster an inclusive environment where all youth participants and their families have an encounter with God. 


Goal: Our objective is that all youth and their families experience God in His fullness. This is done through a variety of programs including but not limited to Friday evening youth fellowship, community outreach, and through biblical teachings and the development of individual spiritual gifts.


Meeting Times:

Youth Ministry operates every Friday except the 2nd Friday of each month.

Every 2nd Sunday, the youth department is responsible for preparing a youth-focused service involving all age groups within the youth department. 


Community Outreach/Volunteers

Pre-covid, the youth department participated in a variety of regional and local youth activities such as Teen Talent, Power Zone, and Winterfest within the Church of God of Ontario.  

We also attended community events with local youth organizations such as Christian Youth Connect (CYC).  As well, our youth department volunteered with The Boys and Girls Club to help with their back-to-school event.


Since COVID lockdowns, our youth meetings were conducted virtually. When it was safe to do so, we returned to in-person meetings.  We hope to continue to network, fundraise and assist with other youth centered initiatives. 


To learn more about our activities please follow us on Instagram.


We welcome volunteers throughout the year. Please fill in the volunteer forms located under the heading GET INVOLVED should you be interested in assisting with our various activities.

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Team Leader:
First Lady Eulalee Miller

Mission and Objectives:  Ladies are an important part of the church and community, and our ministry serves and ministers to women young and old. Utilizing biblical principles and having an active belief in prayer we encourage our ladies who may be experiencing various challenges to different situations.  Our Ladies Ministry also acts as an outreach program where we visit the sick in hospitals and persons (men, women, children) within our communities requiring our assistance.


Meetings:  Approximately 10 ladies of varying ages met weekly on Tuesdays to discuss relevant topics to the women we serve. Since the lockdowns due to Covid-19 our ladies adapted by meeting online for prayer meetings each Saturday from 7am to 8am.  We are thankful for the 20 or so ladies who make it to our prayer sessions for a time of renewal and fellowship.


Pre-Covid we invited guest speakers to speak about various topics; we met to have food and fellowship; we participated in the Church of God’s annual Ladies Retreat.  At our last Ladies Retreat in March of 2018 we met with 800 plus ladies of which approximately 70 were members of the Scarborough Church of God.  


We are looking forward to meeting in person again so that we can continue to plan various fellowship building and fundraising events throughout the year.


Prayer and Fasting Ministry / Baptism Ministry / Sunday School Ministry / Newcomers Ministry

Praying Together


Team Leaders:
Evangelist Bartley and Minister Bernice Bennett

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Team Leader: Minister Bennett



The Prayer and Fasting Ministry intercedes on behalf of the local church for its members, and the community at large. This ministry also coordinates the prayer efforts of the church through intercessory prayer, corporate prayer and all-night prayer meetings.


This team meets weekly each Wednesday from 11 – 2pm.  Members of the team also meets on other days and at various locations as they are needed to intercede in prayer.


Members of our local church and especially Ministry leaders are encouraged to participate in this ministry.



Purpose:  The sole purpose of the Baptism Ministry is to win souls for the kingdom of God.  After accepting the Lord as Savior, the next step is to baptize new converts by water immersion.


Mission: Our emphasis is repentance then water baptism. Water baptism is the second birth and a public testimony of a new Born Again Life.


Expectations:  Baptism classes exist to council new converts before and after baptism.  Our team goes above and beyond to provide the necessary garments needed for the water baptism to new converts who need assistance. Prior to being immersed in the water new converts are asked to give a testimony of why they are taking the step to water baptism.


Opportunities:  As we aim to win the lost at any cost and to bring Glory to God we always give an opportunity to anyone wanting to be baptized to do so during our baptism service, even if they had not been to a new converts class.  Over the years many have been led by the spirit to accept Christ and in the words of Philip, “here is water what is hindering you?” and chose to be water baptized right away.

Baptisms usually take place within the sanctuary of the church where we have a small pool under our pulpit. During the COVID-19 breakouts, however, baptisms took place by the lake which is equally and, in many cases, even more beautiful as we become witnesses to the public at these lakes.


Hospitality Ministry / Missions Ministry / Maintenance Ministry / Community Outreach and Evangelism Ministry /

Ushers and Greeters Ministry



Team Leader:
Minister Shaffenna Miller

Purpose:  The purpose of the Ushering Ministry is to serve the body of Christ and give every person who comes to our church the ultimate SCOG welcome.  We are a church where everybody is somebody.


Objective:  We ensure all members, visitors and guests are welcomed, seated, and feel safe and comfortable throughout services and special events.


Our responsibilities are as follows but not limited to:

  1. Arrive prior to congregates to prepare front entrance and foyer

  2. Check that all communal spaces are safe and ready to receive congregates

  3. Rope off designated areas on occasions and as directed

  4. Direct and manage traffic flow as guests move about within the building and public spaces such as washrooms

  5. Greet guests as they enter services and offer programs/pamphlets, pens, Bibles and hymnals whenever necessary.

  6. Help guests with finding a seat and any other need as they are entering the sanctuary

  7. Collect tithes and offerings

  8. Collect visitor cards and other items from guests

  9. Manage traffic flow at the end of services

Meetings:  Our ushers meet once per month on a Saturday or after church on Sunday for development, training and directives for the weeks ahead.  Ushers are on a rotational period and are asked to serve at least once per month and/or whenever they are available. Recruitment for ushers is ongoing throughout the year.


In an effort to continue to serve the people of God to the best of our abilities, our ministry members are encouraged to participate in prayer and fasting as a monthly ongoing commitment.

Ministries are an integral part to our church. They are a source of fellowship while maximizing spiritual growth through education and outreach. Ministries assist during worship services and the various events throughout the year.  


Ministries help us support our communities as we continue to reach those in need. They work together to enhance the overall experience of our members and visitors.

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God Is Here - Piano Instrumental WorshipArtist Name
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On behalf of our

Missions Department

we thank you for all contributions made.  

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Scarborough Church of God.  ADDRESS: 3576 St. Clair Ave East  Scarborough, ON. M1K 1M2

PHONE:  416 755 5335

©2024  All rights reserved. Scarborough Church of God 

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